Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mistakes are Made

The one thing that people have a hard time facing is their mistakes. Mistakes are made by everyone, and no one is perfect. We all makes mistakes, but when we do we ask those questions how stupid could i be? What made me want to do such things? Why?

Well here are my thoughts. No one can run from mistakes because there is sin everywhere. Jesus does not expect us to be perfect because we are human , and only human. But when we ascend toward Heaven that i where sin will be no more. I say don't dwell on those mistakes you make in the past because you can't change what you have done but you do better in the present. And set yourself for even better things in the future. If you believe in Jesus, all you have to do is ask for forgiveness. I don't know the direct quote, but Jesus said when He forgives he forgets. You should do the same. No matter how bad it is move on. In God's eyes all sin is the same. No sin is greater than the other.

Just think of it like this...

You are a runner in track and sin is the obstacles. You run and jump the little obstacles and think that is easy.  Well then there are more obstacles you are getting tired of running. The obstacles make you fall. Every time you try to jump more obstacles you fall. Your strength is getting weak. Then out of no where a hand reaches out toward you. The hand of our beloved Lord. He picks you up gives you the strength to go on. Also, he helps you out and takes away some of the obstacles so you don't have to deal with them.

Another example is when you are right with God, while walking on the beach there are two sets of footprints in the sand yours and his. But when you fall there are only one set. You might ask has God left me. No, There are only one set of footprints because when you fall he is carrying you until you can walk again. That is how awesome our God is. He loves us that much. That he would carry us while we are down.

There will always be obstacles in life. Some harder to jump than others, but if you lean on the Lord He will help you. He will be a helping hand when no one is near. He will be there when you cry, smile, laugh, and even angry. He is there when no one else will be there for you.

Yes we all make mistakes. We always have falls, but don't let them distract you from the love of God. So, when you make a mistake next time don't ask questions just say, "Lord be here for me. Forgive me from what I have done. I know I have done wrong."

In the end, when we all are in Heaven. I can say one thing. Sin will be no more all there will be is Peace.

After you read this maybe next time you make a mistake you won't dwell on it. You will leave it with the Lord and move on.

Our Lord is Good. Praise God, and God Bless Everyone who reads this.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

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